The Joy Podcast

Intentional Living

Allison Jordan & Katrina Morris Season 1 Episode 7

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What if the simple act of choosing your morning coffee mug could set the tone for a more meaningful and intentional day? On this episode of the Joy Podcast, we dive into the world of intentional living, where every decision, no matter how small, can be enriched with purpose. We kick off a fresh series by unpacking what it means to live purposefully, using faith and passion as our guiding lights. Our conversation touches on personal stories of living with ADHD, highlighting how it influences our drive and intentionality, and how aligning our actions with our values and faith can transform even the most mundane tasks into purposeful endeavors.

Let’s talk about daily habits that anchor us in intention. Imagine having a home coffee bar, where each mug represents a cherished memory or person. We share the beautiful morning ritual of selecting a mug and praying for the individual it symbolizes, fostering gratitude and compassion from the moment the day begins. We also explore how simple yet spontaneous acts of joy—like singing in the car or savoring ice cream before dinner—create lasting happiness and deepen relationships. By focusing on gratitude, kindness, and trust in God’s guidance, we uncover how intentional living can not only enrich our own lives but also touch the lives of those around us. Tune in and learn how to live each day more thoughtfully and purposefully.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Joy Podcast, your women's guide to living a joy-filled life. We are your co-hosts, katrina Morris and Allison Jordan. We are grateful you joined us, as we have real and raw, faith-based conversations surrounding motherhood, marriage, careers, friendships and everything else in a woman's daily life.

Speaker 2:

That's right, ladies, grab your cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we dive into all the things.

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome to this week's episode of the joy podcast. We are so excited that you've joined us this week. Today we are talking about intentional living. We are starting a full series on what it means to live intentionally day by day in many aspects of your life. So, allison, tell us a little bit more about this series and what we're going to be talking about, and what even is intentional living.

Speaker 2:

Well, I love the subject and you and I have had these conversations and I'm so excited to bring this to y'all, because living with intention, that is a big thing, and so, first of all, I mean what is intentional, even mean. So intentional means done on purpose and deliberate. So we just talked about finding our purpose, our callings and our gifts, and so now we're moving into intentional living and we're going to go into that. Like Katrina said, this is a series, so we're going to go into that in several different areas of our life, but today we're going to talk about just living intentionally, and I want to bring a passage of scripture that is going to share that. So let me read that for you. Y'all know I got to get these glasses on.

Speaker 1:

I forgot my reading glasses.

Speaker 2:

You can borrow mine. Well, I'm just going to have to open my eyes real wide, or we'll put the font really big on our phone if we need to. This is where we are. We're being intentional to see. Well, yes, let me read for you Ephesians 5, 15 through 17. It says be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. There it is intentional Because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

Speaker 2:

So I think that sums up this whole series as we talk about living intentionally, and so I'm really excited to kind of walk through today what that looks like in our daily life. And you know you were talking earlier about when we live intentionally, that's passionate and you know what. What does that passion look for you in intentional living?

Speaker 1:

So for me, I am a very passionate person and I think sometimes it could get misconstrued for just being loud and boisterous and maybe obnoxious, but really the passion, the definition of passion, is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object or concept, and so in what I do intentionally every day, I try to be passionate about it and I do so. Something I've struggled with for many years is I do have ADHD and I used to think of it as a disability and you know it really brought me down. I thought of it very negative, but I've really come to understand that that is where a lot of my passion comes from, because that's when you get those neurotransmitters that are firing on all levels and it drives you Right. And so being diligent and making passionate decisions to pursue and we've talked about building your character and how that is very hard. You really have to have the passion behind you to drive.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you don't have passion, I mean it's boring.

Speaker 1:

Right, exactly. And so no matter what it is, whether it's a hobby, it doesn't have to be your vocation or your career, it could just be, you know, mom in or you know, just doing anything with full intention, on purpose, with passion, and that is going to continue to fuel that fire inside. You know, I'm a visual person and so I do visualize just this campfire. I don't even like camp, but this fire inside of me. And I asked the Lord, intentionally. Lord, you know, let me do what sets my heart on fire, set my heart ablaze, set my heart right, because our hearts can be deceitful. So set my heart right in what passion and life you want me to live. I love that. And get the order right. Oh, that's important. Yes, because we can be out of order A hundred percent. I've been there many times.

Speaker 2:

But I love that you make that a prayer to make sure Lord get my order right, because you put your focus on him, and it has to be.

Speaker 1:

And what we had talked about earlier is the decisions that we're making. So intentionality is the deliberate action. Yeah, but our lives are made up of the sum total of our decisions. Yes, they are. We have to make decisions all day, every day, and being intentional means thinking about it before you act, but also doing that thing or performing that act. Maybe it is just carrying the grocery cart back for someone right Instead of leaving it in the parking lot to bang somebody's car.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, so it is in every part of our life, the mundane, the very exciting. We just have to be intentional. And so I'm really excited about this particular series and, just, I am really driven by passion and I think if you have ADHD, or you think you might have ADHD, when you get that passion, you know, in you to do something it is, it is a fire that burns, and that's been the prayer is to just light the spark. You know, let it burn and people see that and it becomes contagious. Burn and people see that and it becomes contagious.

Speaker 2:

And that is what we are to do, and to be in life is a light well, and when you walk like that and when you you pray for that passion you're, you're living out the morals that you have, you're living out your faith, beliefs, um, and so everything you you do with that passion is with intentionality and bringing out your values, your faith, um.

Speaker 1:

So, whatever that is, um it's going to come out, yeah, in that, whether you have adhd or not, um, you know, not everybody does, but those that do I think you explained it very well on on how your brain works in that I've heard it called hyper-focus, and it's just when you are really super focused on one thing, and I think in this day and age where we're having social media and, you know, video games and all of that, even if you don't have it it can vary.

Speaker 1:

It's very easy these days to really get hyper-focused on certain things, and so when you are intentionally living and making decisions each day to live in your purpose, to glorify God, it is about every decision you make does impact yourself, but it also impacts someone else, and so it's understanding the why behind making that decision yes, yes and um, and so when we're talking about just making our decisions and some of the things in the business that I've had to come across, it's just when I started out, because I do love what I do.

Speaker 1:

It was my children were very little and it was hard for me to keep the order because my passion was fueled for my business and to create Right and. But my kids were needing me. Mom, my mom, you know. I started the business in our home and they were little. They need a snack, they need, you know, love and all of this, and I had started to look at their interruptions as being that they are interrupting me and my work. But really, as I started to pray for God to continue to fuel my passion and the intentional living with my family and keeping the right order, he brought it to my attention pretty quickly that they are not interrupting me. I am their mom first and my business comes after that. And when I've had to really grasp that concept, it's definitely made life much easier and has given me the margin to keep the things in order the way that God had ordained it.

Speaker 1:

And so here is. It is Colossians 3.23, and it says Whatever you do, do it from the heart as something done for the Lord and not for people, and it doesn't matter what you do Exactly, you are to do it with all of your heart. Yeah, but keeping the order is God, it's your family, your husband or your wife, or you know. Then it is your family, yeah, you know.

Speaker 2:

And then your work has to come last yeah, and you know, in that verse and we think about that sometimes in terms of our work, you know, work at it heartily, as doing it for the Lord and not for humans. But when you put it in perspective of everything that we do, our homes, our relationships, all of that, that is living intentionally. Everything that we do is to honor and glorify the Lord, which is what we talked about, our purpose and our calling. So when we live with that intention, it's okay. Lord, when I wake up today, if I'm going to live intentionally, I'm going to do everything I can as I'm serving you, as I'm working for you, and I'm going to do it heartily.

Speaker 1:

And I love that word. I know different translations will say different, but I love the word heartily, because it is with heart and it's with passion and purpose Absolutely, and so what are some of the things like when you wake up in the morning, how do you intentionally live for the Lord, and what are some things that you do to show intentionality for others and how you live?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, for me, like I said, this is something that I've been really striving for over the last several years is living intentionally, and what did that look like in my daily life? Now we're going to get specific in that and other areas later.

Speaker 2:

But, so I mean for me starting up at the beginning, when I wake up in the morning, you know, before I get out of bed, I'm I thank God that he woke me up. Thank you, lord, for giving me breath in my lungs. I'm trying to be intentional to praise God because I mean if he didn't wake me up I wouldn't be awake, right?

Speaker 1:

Right, right.

Speaker 2:

So I have breath in my lungs and, um, when I go downstairs. One of the one of the greatest things. Several years ago, my husband, um, made me a little coffee bar at home. Oh, I love a good cup of coffee, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I love a coffee mug.

Speaker 2:

And a proffy. Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

My protein coffees, yes, my proffies.

Speaker 2:

But I love my little coffee bar at home and so when I go down now I'm always the first one in line at the coffee house.

Speaker 1:

My little coffee house.

Speaker 2:

Everybody else is asleep, so I go down and I have a lot of coffee mugs. I love a coffee mug. How many do you have? We're not talking about that today, katrina.

Speaker 1:

We're staying on topic. Do we need to have an intervention?

Speaker 2:

Listen, I love coffee mugs and let me tell you why Because you know there's always a story behind them.

Speaker 2:

And so when I go down to my coffee bar in the morning as I'm waiting for my coffee to brew, I go to pull my coffee mug down and I always choose a mug. And when I choose one let's say, for instance, I have this great Joy podcast mug right here and I love it. When I choose one, let's say, for instance, I have this great Joy podcast mug right here and I love it. So when I choose a mug, I think of the person that either gifted me that mug, who I was with when I got the mug, or you know something like that, and then I pray over that person. So while I'm standing there waiting for my coffee to brew, instead of just standing there twiddling my thumbs or getting mad that it's not brewing fast enough there twiddling my thumbs or getting mad that it's not brewing fast enough, living intentionally for me is in this moment I'm going to pray over the person that gave me that mug, or who, who, who I think about when I when I have that mug like I have a coffee mug.

Speaker 2:

My oldest son made me years and years ago and he painted it, this little ceramic mug, and it's like polka dots and he painted it. And when I use, when I choose that mug, I just stop and I pray over him and I thank God for the blessing of him. Um, I have a mug that is from the Starbucks in Beijing, china, oh wow. And I got that mug back in 2007 when we were in China to adopt our youngest son, who is now my baby, baby who is 20 years old.

Speaker 1:

But so when I pull that mug, down.

Speaker 2:

I pray over my son, caleb, yeah. And my daughter bought me one at cheerleading camp that says mom on it, and when I pull that mug down I pray over her, yeah. And then friends that have gifted me mugs, or family members, my sister. You know different things like that, and so just that intentionality of praying over that person.

Speaker 1:

And it's more than that really. It's the intentional living that we're talking about. It's putting others before our ourselves. So when, when you get up in the morning, it is about, do we get up and our feet hit the floor and go, huh, all right, lord, whatever today is going to bring, or is it so? I tend to say, this is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Sometimes I'll yell it through the house, you know, and I do. I can holler pretty good. Hey, it's okay to wake the family up you know, you just have to wake the family.

Speaker 1:

But what do you say? I mean, this is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And when you posture your heart, when you first wake up and you say you know you intentionally talk to the Lord about having breath in your lungs. And then you go downstairs, you're fixing the coffee and you're picking out your coffee mug and you're thinking about someone else. It's. It's really hard to be selfish in those moments right, and so it really starts your day being intentional about other people, because you know what?

Speaker 1:

we all have a story. Not all of us are as verbal about our stories as we are, but this is part of our calling right, uh, but everyone is battling something, yeah, and I think, instead of us looking at others so after the coffee's gone and we go about our day and we're at the store or wherever that we have that moment of thinking about others, yeah, and looking at someone else, and we could get mad, we could get irritated, but we don't know what they're struggling with. Absolutely, we don't know their story. Yeah, I mean, you know it's about living.

Speaker 2:

You know when we live intentionally. Okay, keep going.

Speaker 2:

When we live intentionally, it is about getting the focus off of ourselves and on to, first of all, posturing our heart towards the Lord. And so, after I pray for others, I go sit down with my Bible and I sit down with my coffee, and of course then I'm thanking God for that cup of coffee, of course, yeah, but then I'm seeking his word. So living intentionally is going to be seeking what he has for me, spending those first moments of my day in prayer with him, seeking his will for my life in that day. And I will tell you, just as you said, said we don't know what everybody else is going through. Yeah, I will tell you, there are some days when I've come down in the morning and I I'm downcast, yeah, I mean I don't wake up, I mean I'm genuinely a very joy filled person, but there's days that are just hard, and and I always have that reminder, you know, not every day is good, but there's something good in every day.

Speaker 2:

And so, getting my focus, off of me and on to the Lord and His will for my life and then, as the Bible tells, us, love God and love people. Yes, and so when I focus on others and you know, when we seek the Lord, we have gratitude, we give Him praise. You know we have to a joy-filled life, and living intentionally also means to have moments of joy yeah, fun yes um, also moments of rest. In there, you and I were talking about this. Um, to live intentionally is to to make moments of rest. Yeah, why is that so?

Speaker 1:

important, oh my goodness. Well, I didn't understand this concept until just a couple of years ago, because we work and then we're supposed to rest, and it's a sabbath day, and but I didn't necessarily understand when I was growing up. It was we rested on Sunday, we didn't do anything and I just thought, okay, mean, the Lord says rest on the Sabbath, but I did not grasp the concept of why until just a couple of years ago. And so that's when rest really for me became important and a part of my weekly living. And the recognition of God created the earth in six days and on the seventh day he rested and recognized the good that had been done the past six days. And so it's not that you can't do work, like you can't do laundry or whatever Cause. I was thinking like, like I'm not doing anything, that's right nothing, no laundry.

Speaker 2:

You're not lifting up the dirty underwear laundry basket holding the socks. It's not gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

But then I recognized, oh so it's not about we have a lazy day. Yeah, it's a day that we have rest, intentional rest, to thank God for the weeks past the week past the week to come, and to allow your heart and mind to reset on the things that he has done well that past week, yeah, things that he has done well that past week, yeah, and that has become very intentional for me to do the dinner or do the work around the house that I need to. You know, I still take a good Sunday nap, you know, but right, absolutely, and I had zero guilt for that, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I think there's a passage in the Bible that says take a nap on Sunday. You have to take a Sunday nap, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But just the intentionality of recognizing it's not about a day of just rest and be lazy and don't do anything. It's a day of gratitude and it's a day of saying, okay, lord, thank you, and I'm going to rest in your goodness and I'm going to ask that you fill my heart and fill my mind with the things I need to do this week and the things I need to prepare for. And that fuels me, nate's spirit to just create with my hands that I love so passionately. He gives me inspiration when I'm in a rest state of mind.

Speaker 2:

Well, we live in this hustle generation Hustle, hustle, hustle. You've got to work hard and yes, I believe in hard work, always have but rest is very underestimated. We need rest and so we have to be intentional, because we can hustle, hustle, hustle and do all the things and work and service and family, and but if we're not intentional in terms of rest, our body won't keep carrying us.

Speaker 1:

So we have to be intentional with that and I have in Virginia, I will say I regretfully worked a whole lot and I was sick quite a bit Wow, I've had pneumonia multiple times and I contributed, as I look back, to not allowing any rest period from one thing to the next thing to put in the hustle in. And as I have come to Wilmington and had to reset and rest, I get the most inspiration and I get the most rejuvenation from the rest portion, when I take away from, take myself away from the business at hand, when I take away from, take myself away from the business at hand, and the simplicity of that is so beautiful because then you start to look at the clouds and the trees around you and and nature and the people around you Brings you back to that gratitude, yes, and changing your perspective.

Speaker 1:

Yes and all it.

Speaker 2:

All of this happens with being intentional in the moment. This is what living intentional looks like. You know one of the other things we talked about rest yeah it's very good, and another thing that's good is to have fun to have laughter, to have joy-filled moments, whether it's with friends or family. I mean, we have to put those moments in there. And I think about laughter. And I'm gonna add this, I'm gonna share a passage of Scripture, proverbs 17 22 says a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed up spirit dries the bones.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right, I want a cheerful heart because it's good medicine. Yeah, I mean, who does not want that right? And I mean laughter. Let me just throw this out there and just this tidbit of information Laughter burns calories. Everyone Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

Speaker 1:

So we are going to laugh it up, because who doesn't want to burn some calories?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Laughter is good medicine, but also just having fun. I mean, you know, being intentional. Why do we have to be intentional to have fun?

Speaker 1:

But we do, we do, we do Because because why should we have fun? You know we have this to do and this to do and this to do and, yeah, we're so busy checking off our to do list we forget to be intentional and rest and have fun. Yeah, and that might look like my youngest and I went for ice cream a couple of weeks ago and we got sprinkles on our cones and it was the messiest, funniest thing ever. And you know, and for me, the letting go because I am a recovering perfectionist is a learned thing. It doesn't come natural to me to just let things go and go with the flow, like I am very much. No, this is how it goes, this is what we're going to do. And so just watching the ice cream drip and the sprinkles drip and it's burning up outside and we're at this park and it just and the humidity here is going to stick all over.

Speaker 2:

It's next level.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it's gonna stick to every crevice of your body but it was so good to allow myself to laugh and take. We took pictures together and we hadn't had dinner yet. Scott was actually home cooking dinner. Dessert first, yes, but that was the best thing. And and we come home, I said, okay, honey, we had, we had ice cream already, but that had to be an intentional moment. I was gonna either get upset because the ice cream was dripping, it was making a mess, or I could just have fun and we had the best time and we washed our hands in the little pond. Thankfully, our hands are still intact. We were afraid of alligators, but it was just a beautiful moment. And and not everything has to be grand, right? Not everything has to cost a ton of money, not. There have been years we have not been on vacation because we were in the hustle. We have to stop to have fun, to take a rest, to reset our mind, body and our hearts in the Lord and what he has given to us.

Speaker 2:

We all have something to be grateful for and those moments, you know your daughter's going to remember that moment, I think so it wasn't that you spent a grand deal of money. No, but it's the moment of laughter and I think you know. This past week I spent a few days in my daughter's town yeah, With her and the same thing and just riding down the road in the car as she was driving, with our praise and worship music on and singing together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, her and I have always harmonized together and sang together and just and I remember taking a picture of that, just because I knew I always wanted to remember that moment yeah, just being intentional in the moment with her singing, praise and worship together. I these are moments like the ice cream dripping and just being intentional, they're like I don't we can forget those and just kind of pass them off as just everyday things. But intentional living is being intentional. To say this is, this is a precious moment.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Lord thank you for the gift of this moment Um, the gift of being with our loved ones, the gift of of making someone else smile you know we were talking about that too in this generation of of going out into the world. People are so frustrated and everybody's on edge. Um and I think about going to the grocery store. I'm one of those that I do like to grocery shop. I like going in there. I do online shop sometimes, okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, I did the other day.

Speaker 2:

I need a grocery, so I put my online order in. But I do love going in the grocery store and I love going up and down the aisles.

Speaker 1:

And I love making eye contact with people and smiling mm-hmm even if you don't say anything, it's just a friendly smile, because you don't know what they're going through absolutely and just to be able to be kind to somebody.

Speaker 2:

We need to be kind, be intentional, to show kindness. I mean even um. God's word tells us.

Speaker 1:

What's this one? Ephesians? I don't know. Ephesians 4.32.

Speaker 2:

That's it, ephesians 4.32.

Speaker 1:

Okay. It says and be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another just as God also forgave you in Christ. We've been forgiven. We have to forgive others, we have to be kind and compassionate. We don't know what someone else is going through. Absolutely. They might have had a really rough day or a rough year yeah and they're in the pit themselves.

Speaker 2:

And so we are called to be a light and to be kind and compassionate and just and that's it, that intentional to show kindness to somebody like you said, we don't know what they've been through that day and a smile or a kind word, that goes far nothing but it does more for me in that moment when I brighten somebody's day or I think about the times people have done that to me when I've been walking around and had a heavy burden that I was carrying and maybe I was just downcast that day and somebody has shown me a kind word or a smile.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the intentionality behind that goes a long way, and I love it when it doesn't matter your vocation or what you do for a living, or if you're just raising your children, or if you are, you know, a hairstylist, or whatever you do, like you said, do it heartily and with passion and with zeal, and that's what we're. You know God is going to call us to do things that we do enjoy doing. He is not, I can tell you a hundred percent. He is not going to call us to do something in our life Now. Maybe there'll be seasons, but our full purpose, our full calling and our gifting, he's not going to contradict himself and give you a gift but not allow you to use it.

Speaker 1:

And so being intentional means you are, you are talking to the Lord, you are praying and you are walking out daily. It's just a 24-hour period, not next year, not in 10 years, but today. That's right. What am I to do? And that is when we are fortified, that is when the seasons of life one comes to an end. You know, when every door closes, another one opens. That's right, and if you are passionate about something, he will allow you to be in that. You know he is going to equip you.

Speaker 1:

And so I think a lot about you. Know, maybe when we're young, we think about what we're going to do when we grow up and what we want to be, and, of course, those things change Sometimes we come back to them. But I think we all have something. If we, if we sat and thought for a second, what is something that I've thought about doing multiple times and I can't get it out of my mind, but I'm just too scared. Yeah, if I fail. Well, what if you do? What a prop. What if you don't? We are all gonna fail in certain things. Yeah, but failure is Also a part of being successful for the Lord and showing how you get up.

Speaker 2:

Taking that next step, being intentional to take the next step, take the next step. Being intentional to get back up when you are falling down.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we're going to fall, we've got to get up.

Speaker 2:

And living with that passion to do things on purpose in our daily life. That's how we walk through. Daily life is living intentionally, from the moment we wake up and take our first breath till the moment we lay our head down at the evening.

Speaker 1:

Do everything with intention and it does sounds exhausting, yeah but it really is not when you start living intentionally it's a lot of freedom in that.

Speaker 2:

So much freedom, yes and you feel better yes, um. Those around you feel better, yes, um. But I can honestly say I don't always do that and I notice the times when I don't.

Speaker 1:

My day is not as good yeah and I think there's nothing better than whether things are going really bad or whatever, but you know you've been intentional to live in Christ that day or that week or that month that there's nothing better than to feel with all of your heart, mind and soul that you are in the hands of God, that's right, and you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Yeah, and that he's got it. And that's where the freedom comes. We don't have to carry the burden.

Speaker 2:

No, we just have him with all the details.

Speaker 1:

He's got it worked out and the discipline that it takes it does take discipline.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, living intentionally for me when I started doing that, it didn't just happen. Like I had to because deliberate living on purpose, like I had to be mindful of that and say what does living intentionally look like right here in my home life?

Speaker 1:

What does?

Speaker 2:

it look like at work. So, and those are the things that we want to go into as we further the series.

Speaker 1:

And I wrote on our refrigerator the Lord just gave me this word a few weeks ago, and it says so, I had to write it me, this word a few weeks ago, and it says um, so I had to write it down so I can make sure I get it right. You will never find your passion if you don't first practice discipline.

Speaker 1:

That's hard, I mean yeah think about that the discipline to act, to start a new habit, to, to start living intentionally, to start putting your priorities in a different order. That's when your, your passion grows. That's when you really learn what your passion is. Yeah, and I think I don't know. I hope that that resonates with my kids when I because I put it on there for them, you to see too. Like you know, football players, these NFL players, they get up and they have to put in work. Any sports athlete has to put in work.

Speaker 2:

Do you think they really want to practice every day?

Speaker 1:

yeah, and I heard Tim Tebow say one time it's the conviction, which I think it could all. It's the discipline right. So it's yes, I need to, I need to work out, I need to show up for practice. But the discipline and the conviction is I'm gonna be the first one, oh, to show up, I'm gonna be the first one. So it is just going that extra step and we just need to practice the discipline. The discipline to get up every morning 30 minutes early is hard, but the habit that it forms. If you're doing that for the lord and you're reading that 30 minutes, it becomes an exciting yes, you become passionate for the lord.

Speaker 1:

I look forward to getting up every morning and having my rendezvous with the Lord. Amen to that.

Speaker 2:

I love it and I will say this I just mentioned to my husband the other night as we were getting ready to go up for bed I'm like honey, guess what I get to get up in the morning and have coffee and spend time with Jesus. And he just laughed at me. There's that laughter again. But I mean, because it's that exciting moment, because I know I'm going to come down in the morning and I'm going to have that time with the Lord, I call it my little rendezvous with the.

Speaker 2:

Lord, and it's precious. And that took intention to start posturing my heart. It didn't come naturally at the beginning. It took that, doing it time after time, and now I crave that, and so that's what living with intention is, yep, you gain that passion and you get that discipline to do it. Yep, but living with intention, I'm telling you, it's a wonderful way to live in every area of your life.

Speaker 1:

It is, it is, and I think you know, with where we are today and you know just talking about the Intentional Living series as a whole, we are going to be talking about other aspects and how to intentionally live out your life through, you know, your marriage, your relationships, your family, your career and work. So we are, you know, and even as a leader, we're going to talk more about those things just as a woman, and you know, talk more about those things just as a woman and, you know, go deeper into those things.

Speaker 1:

But today was just really we wanted to explain a little bit more about what it looks like in general what it looks like and hopefully to spark some passion in you and to spark some inspiration in you where you can look in the mirror and say, lord, or look up, I want to live intentionally, I want to live on fire for you. I want to live my passion. You made, you created me, this part of my, this, this we are all alive in 2024. For this reason there was no accident we are sitting here, on purpose and you're listening to this podcast on purpose.

Speaker 1:

So if you've been asking yourself, I don't really know my purpose, go back and listen to that episode. But if you are thinking, how can I act all of this out, how do I take the step? Thinking, how can I act all of this out, how do I take the step, it's just one step forward of the discipline to make the decision to intentionally live for the Lord. And you're 30 minutes, or waking up 15 minutes early, then maybe come 30. And sometimes I'll sit for an hour and I have to be pulled away because I'm just. He has so much to share and he's always ready and willing to listen to us. All we have to do is be intentional in talking to him.

Speaker 2:

That's right, and starting our day or beginning our day with Jesus is the best way to live intentionally.

Speaker 2:

Be, intentional in your relationship with Jesus first and foremost, and that will carry you into your daily life. And so you know the next episode we're going to look into what does this intentional living in marriage look like? And we're going to give some ideas on that, maybe, and some ways of how it looks like in our own marriages, of how we live intentionally in our marriages. Yeah, and then we're going to go into some other areas in the episodes to come.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So we appreciate you guys listening. If you found this helpful, again, share it with your friends or family members. We just know that we want it to be a blessing to you guys and we love you, we care for you, we pray for you and we appreciate you listening and sharing it and giving us a review. That's right.

Speaker 2:

Thank y'all so much for joining us today and we'll see you next time for the next episode. That's right, see you guys.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us for this episode of the joy podcast. Our passion is to help you find your purpose and joy in the heart things of life.

Speaker 2:

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