The Joy Podcast

Finding Your Purpose

Allison Jordan & Katrina Morris Season 1 Episode 5

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Today we invite you to an enriching conversation about finding your purpose. We're here to guide you through the scriptures, like Colossians 1:16 and Ephesians 2:10, offering a refreshing perspective on how to glorify God through the distinctiveness of your journey. Through deep dives into biblical truths and personal anecdotes, this episode promises to be a beacon for those yearning to find and fulfill their God-given purpose, no matter the season of life they're in. 

Passages and commentary read from CSB Tony Evans Study Bible

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Joy Podcast, your women's guide to living a joy-filled life. We are your co-hosts, katrina Morris and Allison Jordan. We are grateful you joined us, as we have real and raw, faith-based conversations surrounding motherhood, marriage, careers, friendships and everything else in a woman's daily life that's right, ladies, grab your cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we dive into all the things.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 5 of the Joy Podcast, and we have a great episode today, all about finding your purpose and y'all, katrina is fired up today. Katrina, why are you so fired up?

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness, this is uh. I've wanted to talk about this for a long time, as I've been praying over this and really focusing in on this particular episode. I just feel like there's fire inside of me. When I was really taking notes, I could just feel my heart started racing and I just felt like this holy rising up inside of me that really is part of my holy rising up girl.

Speaker 2:

I'm on board with that, I know.

Speaker 1:

Right. So really just like the, the fire, you know that's inside that. Really, this is part of my very own purpose and calling in life is to help women find and live their purpose in life, and so I am pretty fired up about this. So if I this might be a little long one here, that's.

Speaker 2:

OK, I'm here for it. Ok, good, because this is. We've already been having conversations about this and man God is doing some things. Oh, he is, and I love to hear your heart in this and what you're going to share here with our listeners and what God has been doing in both of us as we've looked at this topic. So let's go with it today.

Speaker 1:

Are y'all ready?

Speaker 2:

Pull up your bootstraps or strap on those sandals girls.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of sandals, it is getting to be summertime in Wilmington and it's a little uh, humid outside. My hair's getting a little.

Speaker 2:

Coastal North Carolina humidity is a whole another level.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is so, um, the hair is up per usual, but, um, we're here in the cool of the inside air, so let's get going. I'm really, really excited about this. So, allison, let's first start by really preface. In this episode we talk about finding your purpose and really we know we have gifts and there's calling in life and purpose. But today we really are trying to shift the narrative and really change perspectives and breaking down the difference in purpose, right, and then in later episodes we'll talk about gifts and calling and how they all intertwine. We will discuss some of that today as well. But what is purpose really, and finding your purpose, what are we really diving in today?

Speaker 2:

Well, let's, when I think of finding your purpose, of course I'm going to go straight to scripture and see what does God tell us about our purpose. So I'm going to read to you Um Colossians 1 16 says this for in him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities. All things have been created through him and for him. So there we see, we were created by God and we were created through him and for him. And then I also want to read Ephesians 2, 10.

Speaker 2:

And this says for we are God's handiwork man. I love that. We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. So there we see that we are created as God's handiwork. So we are created in the image of God and we are created for his glory and for his honor. So that is all of our purpose, because we are created in the image of God, to give him glory and honor. And that's going to look different how we walk out that purpose, and that's what we're going to go into today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so really, and that's so good, really, and that's so good. I think it's so important, as we want to always point to scripture and to what the biblical definitions of things are. And so when we're talking about purpose, we have oneness of purpose, and I think even you and I, we have different gifts, we have different talents, but our purpose in this season of life and every season is to glorify God with what we're doing Absolutely and to share joy and our experiences. And I think that is a lot of times why we go through things is to fortify our purpose, and we've talked in previous episodes about our character building and perseverance and just stay in the course. And so we're going to talk a little bit more about really, what is it in our purpose overall Christian ethics like what, what do we stand on when we are living out our purpose? And it is really the essence of what God has created in us to do and to be for him.

Speaker 1:

And so I'm going to read. I'm going to read a little bit, a lot a bit actually. Yeah, that's okay In scripture and I do have to have my glasses on, but okay so, but do you like them? I love them. Look at those. They are a HomeSense sense special. I love the blue thanks if you're not watching.

Speaker 2:

That's right for those that can't see this, you will. We will have these episodes for you to see, um, if you like to watch um, but for now, if you're just listening, katrina looks amazing in these blue glasses y'all just take my word for it yeah, 43 year old woman.

Speaker 1:

Now I've got to do this and I have other glasses to see far away.

Speaker 2:

I'm 51 and I've I've been there for a lot longer than you in the glasses, so there's no going back girl, I know, I know all right, so.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about this. What does it look like to be a Christian woman, to live out your purpose? And I think, before I dive into that, let's just briefly talk about what if you're not a Christian woman? What if you're? What if you? You know we are biblically based, we are a Christian podcast, but what if you're not a Christian? And you're listening to this and you're like I don't know my purpose and I don't know Jesus either. Really, I've never asked him into my heart, and so that's the key thing that you really need to do first is, you know, ask the Lord into your heart, and can you take us through that Just a quick little bit and and talk about what happens if you're, if you're not a Christian? What is your purpose? You're really walking a dead end street, right?

Speaker 2:

Well, we were all. We were all on this earth, which means we have breath in our lungs.

Speaker 2:

If you're listening or watching this, you have breath in your lungs, you have purpose, so we know, that and you were created by almighty God and, as we just looked into scripture, we were created in the image of God and created to have fellowship and bring him honor and glory.

Speaker 2:

So if you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, that is of utmost importance to accept him as your Savior, because we know that there is no true peace outside of a relationship with Jesus and peace is a person and his name is Jesus. So to have that relationship with Jesus is of utmost importance and we want to see that for all of our listeners, for all of our readers or our watchers, to have that personal relationship with Jesus. And do you mind if I read a passage here, a passage of scripture Philippians 2.10. Let me read this for you, because if you're out there wondering about how do I need to have a relationship with Jesus? This says in Philippians 2.10 that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father. So a relationship with Jesus is where it will start to walk out your purpose.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so with that, when you become a Christian, just like when you were a newborn, we start out the Holy Spirit. When you become a Christian and you're in infancy stage, the Holy Spirit comes into you when you accept him into your heart and I acknowledge he died for your sins that you start out in the infancy stage, same as a newborn, and you grow and so it comes into seed form. You don't come into a full, mature Christian when you accept him into your heart. That's where the journey begins. And so, over the period of time, as you're getting closer to him, you're reading scripture, you're learning more about God. How do you become friends with other people? It's by spending time with each other.

Speaker 1:

And so you grow, and that gives you more knowledge and more power to understand the purpose that he has for you, your gifts, your talents, and then where your treasures lie, it shifts right as you become more indwell in the spirit and abide in him. You know, you come, you go from infancy stage where you're drinking milk. This is just as in my head right.

Speaker 2:

I've got a vision for it.

Speaker 1:

You're drinking milk, and then you, we progress as we get older, and toddlers, to eating those little puffy snacks you know that are even good, that we as parents probably even ate, and you go to more solid food and then, as an adult, you're eating steak, right and all the things that you want, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so it's the same thing. As a Christian, you start out, the Holy Spirit is in seed form, and then he grows, and the Bible does say we are to bear fruit. You know, we are the branches, he is the tree, and that is where we are to grow, are the branches, he is the tree and that is where we are to grow. And so if you have just become a Christian recently, continue to walk and learn what he has to say. It's going to be different today than it is five years from now. You know, when I was young and was saved, and 12 years ago, I was in a different career path and I was learning, but my purpose was still the same, but I was growing in my walk with the Lord.

Speaker 2:

But had I had been able to look forward this far, like I do feel, like mean the first step is acknowledging confession of sins, acknowledging that Jesus is Lord of your life, asking him to become Lord of your life and then, as the Holy Spirit has indwelled in you, it's that daily sanctification process of growing and maturing, like you were talking about and, in that, walking out the purpose that we all have to honor and glorify God. And it does look differently, but how to nurture that?

Speaker 2:

is that relationship, like you mentioned, is that relationship with God is talking to him and spending time in his word. That's how you build that relationship and that's how we know and can walk out fully our purpose, Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and that's it. So now, as we've talked about that, we're going to give you the ethics to which we are to live by, and that is going to really break it down pretty simple about our purpose and how we are to live according to what God says. I am reading. This is my favorite Bible. It is the Tony Evans Study Bible. It is the Christian Standard Version. This is good. Yeah, it is good, and so I'm first going to read the scripture and then I will read his commentary, so I'll explain when I'm shifting here. So first we're going to start at Romans, chapter 12, verse 9, and we're going to go through verse 18. You ready? I'm ready, okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm ready Read it, girl All right.

Speaker 1:

Let love be without hypocrisy. Detest evil. Cling to what is good. Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters outdo one another in showing honor. Do not lack diligence and zeal. Be fervent in the spirit. We've talked about that. Yes, be patient in affliction We've talked about that, that's hard, persistent in prayer, never stop. That was my little commentary. Share with the saints in their needs, pursue hospitality. I'm going to stop right there for a second.

Speaker 2:

You've got to speak into this, yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So as we are, as I'm reading this, the hospitality word. Scott and I both feel that hospitality is part of our core in our family and we feel like that is 100%. We've been developing it over the last eight years and where we lived in Virginia and then even here in Wilmington, and so we're so excited to see what God is even going to do to that. But hospitality is so incredibly minute you would think, but it's in the Bible.

Speaker 1:

That is part of our ethics as Christians is to be hospitable, and so, okay, I'm going to read a little bit more into that and explain what that is. So pursue hospitality. Bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud. Instead, associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own estimation. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Give careful thought to do what is honorable in everyone's eyes, if possible, as far as it depends on you. Live at peace with everyone. Wow. So now I'm going to read the commentary. So that was the scripture. So let's put it into layman's terms. Paul says in 12, 9, paul says our love for one another must be without hypocrisy the Greek word for hypocrite, which we hear a lot these days, we sure do.

Speaker 1:

The Greek word for hypocrite was used of hear a lot these days we sure do. The Greek word for hypocrite was used of an actor who wore a mask. Some of the best actors and actresses I know come into the church with their masks on. They fake it when people ask them how are you doing? They fake it because they're worried that people won't love them unless they wear a mask. So to all of us, paul is saying be the kind of community where it is safe for people to take their masks off. Wow, and that's what we want to be here. Yes, it's a community where we can not wear our masks. Just be real. Just be real. We can love one another deeply once we recognize that we don't need to like someone to love them well. I'm going to read that again we can love one another deeply once we recognize that we don't have to like someone to love them well.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, that love word. Love is a verb, that's a hard one. It is we think that if we don't like somebody, we don't have to love them. But that's not what this passage is telling us and that reiterated that right there. I love that commentary. Yes, that's wonderful. All right, I'm almost done.

Speaker 1:

I do have people that I don't like, but I do love. Yeah, it's hard sometimes when love is often associated with emotion, but it starts with the decision to compassionately and righteously seek the well-being of others. Just like the small gauge on a boiler indicates how full the vessel is, our love for one another indicates how full our hearts are with the love of Jesus. You know, that makes me I still have some more to read but that makes me think of social media and how there are some really rude people on social media that claim to be a Christian and I just think, wow, I would question whether or not you know how much love they have for Jesus in their heart at some of the comments that are made, and that's hard, and I think we live in a world where we have to hold that captive. You know, when we are on Facebook or or Instagram or whatever, and people are being rude and using the name of God in the wrong way and using hate terms, I hate to say, but you know right, that's really. That's not what a true Christian is to be in the world, and so this is why we're giving you the full commentary of what it is, because it's a good thing to know what not to do as well. That's right. So behind the Greek word fervent, the idea of boiling water. If you're fervent in the spirit, you're boiling for the kingdom of God. You're fired up to serve the Lord. Have you ever noticed how kids, who otherwise might seem tired, get a sudden burst of energy? If you offer to play a game they love, they boil over with enthusiasm because they love it? God gave you a job which brings you money, which pays for your house. If all of the doors in your life stay closed, you do not understand hospitality or grace. Your doors stay closed. Wow, yeah. So that's wow, it is yeah.

Speaker 1:

So in 12, 14, he says if jesus forgave you when you were his enemy, after all your sins, put him on the cross. Shouldn't that change the way you view your own enemies? If you want to keep from thinking too highly of yourself, make it a regular part of your agenda to keep connected with the humble people who have nothing to give back. Look for people in the church who are without designer clothing, high school degrees or even steady jobs. They may be nobodies in the world's eyes, but in the church they ought to feel like somebodies.

Speaker 1:

When reading Paul's reminder to the Romans not to repay evil for evil. Remember that he's talking about the church. Don't attack the hurting parts of your body. They're part of you. If you repay people for the wrong they do to you, you'll end up hurting yourself. And then, finally, many misinterpret the last verse that says if it's possible, as far as it depends on you, to live at peace with everyone. Many interpret the verse to say, in essence be patient for as long as you can, but once your patience runs out, get ready to throw down.

Speaker 2:

Get ready to throw down. Been there, done that, oh my.

Speaker 1:

But what this verse is actually saying is, as far as it depends on you, that is, on your side of the relationship, live at peace, do everything you can to get along with people and even if they should still harbor a grudge, that's on them. Yeah, so as far as our purpose, that really is the essence of the way a Christian is supposed to live Purposefully in the word of God. And there may be people listening that are saying I'm too old, what is my purpose? I don't have purpose, I haven't found it, but can you explain a little bit more? Like what? How do we deal with that?

Speaker 2:

Well, I hear it a lot. I hear women in all different seasons of life say I just don't feel like I have purpose in this season. Maybe you're at home with toddlers, or maybe you're in a work situation that just feels like a dead end, or maybe you are older in years and you can't do the things that you used to do. And so I hear that a lot. I don't have purpose in this season.

Speaker 2:

Well, we already saw that if you're alive and breathing, you have purpose, and your purpose is because you were created in the image of God Hallelujah, praise him. And then you also are created to give him honor and glory. And so when we do that, sometimes it takes the shift in our perspective because, no matter what season you're in, whether you're a new mom or you're empty nest or retirement or just in the trenches of just daily working like you have purpose in that season of your life. And so it takes a shift in perspective to say, okay, maybe I do feel stuck right now, but my purpose in this, if I'm going to honor and glorify God, how do I do that in this, in this dead end job? How can I honor and glorify God right here yes, if I've got toddlers hanging off my knees and my ankles and throwing crumbs everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Been there. How do I glorify God in that season? So a shift in perspective. Well, I'm pouring into those babies, I'm pouring the love of God into them. I'm raising up strong children that'll walk out their purpose and then, if I'm in a dead-end job, I can sit there and minister to my coworkers. I can love my coworkers, just as we read, as you read, in scripture. So that's walking out your purpose, because when you're loving somebody else, they're also a creation of God Almighty.

Speaker 2:

And so they have purpose. So you see it takes a shift in perspective. So, no matter what season you're in, you are created to give honor and glory to God and have fellowship with him.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and we probably heard the Bible verse say vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, right. And that actually is in that same Romans, chapter 12. It's verse pretty much 19 through 21, but I won't read it all. But it does say because you know, we've we've all got enemies. We've had enemies, we've been persecuted.

Speaker 1:

And I think when you're living your purpose, which is to glorify God, in whatever season you're going to come against opposition, you're going to have people that will persecute you. Yes, you will have people who will talk about you. You will have people, possibly on social media, that will criticize you and your decisions, and so with that we can know which this is. It's kind of hard to think about it until you've been through it. When you're when you have opposition and when you're getting persecuted, when you look into to yourself and to recognize, am I living a life honoring God? And you see the persecution is coming. Because of that, praise him for it, because that means you are walking out differently, you are setting, you're being set apart from the world, and that's what we're called to be, and so many times, in different seasons of our life, whether you're at home or at work or retirement, you can feel like you're in areas where you feel stuck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can feel set aside, but we're not Just as you said, we're not set aside, we're set apart, so we can't also compare ourselves with somebody else's journey. We all have the same purpose to honor and glorify God. How we walk out those purposes will look different from season to season, but there are certain things we are called to do, like you said, to be in the world and not of the world, which. What does that mean? Right?

Speaker 1:

what does it?

Speaker 1:

mean to be in the world and not of the world well, and I think let's let's read verse 21 do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil. Evil with good. And then, backing up to it, says vengeance belongs to me. I will repay, says the Lord. But if your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink, for in doing so, you will be heaping fiery coals on his head.

Speaker 1:

That is not being in the world. Right, that's being okay. No, that's being in the world, but not of the world. So when you being in the world right, that's being okay. No, that's being in the world, but not of the world. So when you're in the world and you're doing what the world says, absolutely, it's all about I'm getting them back. They did something to me. I am definitely gonna harm them or I'm not gonna be kind to them, but that is not what we are called to do. And I love because sometimes I will say my flesh does win and I visualize the Lord dumping hot coals on my enemies. So you're saying you're human, Katrina.

Speaker 2:

That's what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

I am. But I think about that because and I know that that's I'm just a visual person and so when I think this person is persecuting me, this person is lying or they're hurting my character or they're coming against me or something attacking my reputation. Yes, and I think, okay, lord, I've got to be kind to them and smile and you're going to take care of it. And then I imagine, maybe those hot coals they're extra hot that day.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the Bible even tells us to love our enemies. Yeah, there's that love word again. Yeah, that action word.

Speaker 1:

And it is. It's to love, as Christ loved, yeah, but we don't have to like them. No, we don't have to like them. There are people I don't like, but I've been nice to in love, you know. Yeah, and that's what we're called to do.

Speaker 1:

That is our purpose, yeah, and so, okay. So you say, well, what about? You know my job or career or whatever you know? We all have different gifts and talents, and that we will talk about later, but your spiritual gifts are all different. Yeah, so my gift is hospitality. I know that's part of my calling as well. He doesn't always use our vocation or our career as a calling or a gift, right? True, sometimes he does, and you go to work every day and that is, um, you know your calling, and for me it's being a business owner right now, and it is showing up for this podcast and to help women find and to live their purpose and to find joy. That is my calling for the next. How many ever years he has me on this?

Speaker 1:

earth In this season of your life, but my purpose, through every part of it, is to glorify him. That's right, yes, and so if you have a job that maybe you've been in and you recognize it as being one of your talents, but you're in a an environment that is toxic or that is hurtful or that is not uplifting, your purpose is still to glorify God.

Speaker 2:

And it you can honor and glorify God in the midst of those situations, and that is between you and God. Um so how you treat others, how you handle the situation that you're in, doesn't mean we have to sit and cower back and take those things Right, but we honor and glorify God by our actions and our attitudes in those situations Absolutely, and that is not always an easy thing to do.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not. But you know what my desire and this goes along with my purpose and talents and all this stuff as I have gotten closer to the Lord, I would say, when I was seven, I'm 43. Over the last 15 years, I would say, my relationship with Jesus has really grown and matured and I was at that infancy stage where I could only handle so much, and then, as time has gone on now, um, he's given me so much character and wisdom to to handle things that are hard, because what I've recognized is growth comes from the hard times. And moving to Wilmington was one of the hardest things that we've been through, not because we didn't enjoy it, I didn't enjoy, it was just hard. It was just hard and it tested my character. But when that happened and I look back, I recognize that he was I don't want to say leveling up, but you know, going to that eating steak. You know. You know growing from time to throw the bottle away, katrina.

Speaker 1:

It's time to get you on some solid food, and so you know, I know that it's such a simple way to think of it. But God is really simple to understand.

Speaker 1:

He's vast and we can never fully understand comprehend everything, but it's not hard to talk to him and to understand what his calling is for us, and I think that's where we make it difficult. God's a big God and he's no. He's right here listening. All you got to do is talk to him, and that's where you're going to find more of your purpose and your calling and your gifting. So my desire really is to receive everything God has for me on this side of heaven.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to leave any stone unturned. I don't want to leave any stone unturned. I don't want to leave any opportunity on the table. When I die and I go to heaven, I want the gates to open and the Lord to look at me and say girl, you amen, sister, you only missed a couple of things. Right, you followed me with obedience and your whole heart, and that comes through surrender, and so that's one of the first things that we've got to do. But as we're closing and ready to close this out, talk to us a little bit about how to stay focused on your purpose. Yeah, allison, just can you lead us out from this?

Speaker 2:

episode. Well, I think if we, if we can sum up anything in this episode about purpose, is that you know, we are created in the image of God and we are created to bring honor and glory to God. That's everyone. And so when we stay focused on that, that puts things in perspective, but that causes a vertical focus. And so by that, what I mean is to is to stay focused on Jesus. And how do we do that? Well, we stay in God's word. God's word is truth. God's word is our guide map. He is the word, and he gave us his word. We have his word. He is the word.

Speaker 2:

And so when we stay focused on God's word, we know what his will is for our lives, we know how to walk in that, we know how to love others because his word lays that out and so we stay grounded in his word. We also stay grounded in prayer. We talk to him. That is where it goes back to what you're talking about. Relationship is talking back and forth, and so we do that through talking to him in. That is where it goes back to what you're talking about. Relationship is talking back and forth, and so we do that through talking to him in prayer and his word. That is how we develop that relationship, that's that maturing in him. We know what his word says, we apply that, we pray, we apply that and we walk that out.

Speaker 2:

We also want to surround ourselves with godly, wise mentors. Surround ourselves with godly, wise mentors, those that can keep us grounded in scripture. And when I say that, when I call up a friend or I call up a mentor and I'm struggling with what is my purpose, what am I supposed to do, I feel stuck, I feel set aside. I want that person to say go to God's word. I want, I want to encourage you in God's word. Here's what God's word says about you Don't compare yourself to somebody else. You were created in the image of almighty God. You are a special masterpiece. You are God's handiwork. Go to God's word, stay focused in God's word. So I want I want that surrounding to be those that are going to encourage me in God's word. So I want I want that surrounding to be those that are going to encourage me in God's word and and challenge me in God's word, not just to puff me up but to say here's what God's word says Don't, don't hold that mask over you. That's not. God didn't create you to keep a mask on.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes it might be hard, the advice that they give Exactly.

Speaker 2:

It's not going to be pleasant all the time. They may share something where they see a lack in you, or something that could be, you know, made whole, something lacking and something that needs to be corrected and need to be taken before the Lord, something that needs repentance, and so I want to posture myself for God's will. And when I say posture myself, that means that vertical focus If I have my focus upwards, on Christ, I'm not looking at everybody else and comparing my journey to theirs. There's freedom in that.

Speaker 2:

There is so much freedom in that, because I'm God-focused and not others-focused. And in those times where I feel stuck here, well, well, I feel stuck because I got the focus on me. When I put my focus upwards, on Christ, that's when everything starts to make sense. That's when I can fully walk out that purpose and bring him honor and glory. And, lastly, I want to use my gifts for the glory of God, and we're gonna, we're to get into those about. What are, what are your gifts? Maybe you're out there struggling what are?

Speaker 2:

I don't have any gifts. I've been there too, and so I want to use my gifts, because we all have gifts. We may have one, we may have 20, I don't know, but I want to use those gifts for the glory of God. And you know my desire when I wake up every morning, katrina, you know what I, you know what my desire is is Lord, I want anybody that I encounter today to know that I've been with you first. Yes, because I don't want any. I don't want people to see me, I want people to see Jesus in me, and that can't happen unless I am fully surrendered to his work in my life. It's not about me, it's about him and so that's my purpose on this earth. He gave me breath in my lungs. He gave you breath in your lungs. So if you're watching this or if you're listening to this, you've got purpose. You are alive and breathing. You have purpose this day.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, that's right. So we hope today that we have given you the opportunity to shift some of the narrative, maybe that you've been telling yourself, and also made it a little easier to understand purpose and gifts and talents. So I want to leave you with this and it's just a hope word from Tony Evans Bible In order to transform what you do, you must first transform how you think. Oh, that's good, and so we'll let that resonate with you and we will see you next episode where we are going to be sharing and diving a little bit deeper into gifts and your calling and how they differentiate from each other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Y'all, thank y'all for joining us today. We, we, we so appreciate you tuning in week after week and we just appreciate you. Thank you for joining us today. We can't wait to give an email address to our email.

Speaker 2:

We want you to email us. Let us know what you think of the podcast, let us know if you have made a decision for Christ. If you need to make a decision for Christ, we want to reach out to you. So our email is infojoypodcast at gmailcom, and we'll have that in the notes. Also, I'm going to remind you of the commentary, the study Bible that Katrina is using today, that she read that commentary from. We'll also put that in the study notes as well, in the notes as well. So you'll have that. But thank you again for joining us today. We can't wait to see you on the next episode.

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Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us for this episode of the joy podcast. Our passion is to help you find your purpose and joy in the hard things of life.

Speaker 2:

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